Breath of the Wild tips and tricks
Korok Seeds
Index of the Tips and Tricks • Complete walkthrough
Korok Seeds locations
Great Plateau • West Necluda • East Necluda • Lanayru • Eldin • Akkala • Great Hyrule Forest • Hebra • Tabantha • Gerudo Desert • Gerudo Highlands • Faron • Hyrule Ridge • Central Hyrule
- In the middle of the valley, southeast of the Tah Muhl Shrine, in the plain, get on the stump with a leaf, then run and fly towards the circle under the time limit.
Southeast and east of Eldin Canyon: Cephla Lake, Broca Island, Medingo Pool, Lake Ferona
- On the path leading to the Foothill Stable, on the west side but really close by, lift the dark stone next to four fir trees (northeast of the northernmost skull).
- Northwest of the Foothill Stable, atop of a mountain, there is a bunch of stones. Blow them up, then lift the remaining stone.
North of the above location, you can see two groups of cubes. Use Magnesis on the shiny cube and place it on the other structure to create two identical structures.
- On the main path, after you've passed by the Foothill Stable, you walk under some rocks arranged like an arch above the path. Look really high on the west side, there is a balloon. Climb up a bit and shoot an arrow.
- Still at the above location, on the same height but on the other side of the path, lift the stone.
- In the middle of Cephla Lake, in a shallow place, there is a circle of stones. Lift a stone north of the circle and throw it into the circle.
- Southeast of Broca Island you can see a circle of stones. Go get a stone to the southwest next to a big enemy campsite and place it in the empty spot.
On Broca Island, there is a group of cubes, as well as another one to the northeast against a cliff. Use Magnesis to find a cube in the warm water, bring it on the island, then place it into the group in order to have two identical structures.
- Southeast of Eldin Tower, on a very high rock going over the main path, find a stump with a leaf, then look at the walking Guardian. When it's the furthest away from you, get on the stump and fly towards the circle above another high rock. Climb this rock and touch the circle under the time limit.
- In the middle of Gero Pond is a circle of stones. Lift a stone right to the east and throw it into the circle. Watch out for the same Guardian.
- In the middle of Medingo Pool, get close to the pinwheel inside the skull and shoot an arrow at the target to the east (it's advised to have a bow able to zoom).
East of Eldin Tower, go down a little, blow up the cracked rocks and lift the remaining stone.
- In the middle-northern part of Lake Ferona, is a circle of stones. Cross the lake towards the southeast to find the missing stone and be careful not to drop it into the water on your way back.
- To the southeast of Lake Ferona, in the middle of a mountain, on the right of the highest peak, blow up the cracked rocks against a wall, enter the cave and lift the stone.
- In the western part of Lake Ferona, climb the peak, then jump into the circle of water lilies to the north.
West and north of Eldin Canyon: Goronbi Lake, Goronbi River, Southern Mine, Gorko Lake, Darb Pond
- West of Goronbi Lake and west of a very high rock, there is a circle of stones on a high hill. You can see it if you zoom as much as you can on your map. Place two stones in the empty spots to get one more seed.
- Very southwest of Goronbi Lake (let's rather say northeast of the Mirro Shaz Shrine), there is a circle of stones shaped like a sun on high grounds. Go get a stone nearby and place it in the empty spot.
- West of Goronbi River and southwest of the skeleton, aim for the small body of water, then go southeast and push one of the rolling rocks into this pond.
In Goronbi River, by the skeleton, get on the stump with a leaf to the north and fly to the yellow circle to the south.
- Northwest of Goronbi Lake, spot a small lava pond on your map. Go a bit more to the north and push one of the rolling rocks into this pond.
- In the northern (middle) part of the hot springs southeast of the Southern Mine, blow up the cracked rocks and lift the stone.
- North of the Southern Mine, next to the big enemy campsite when you've crossed the bridge, take off thanks to the air current, and shoot at the balloon to the south.
- West of Gorko Lake, look for a light grey rolling rock, then push it down the slope towards a small lava pond.
Southeast of Gorko Lake, are two groups of cubes. Use Magnesis on the shiny cube and place it on the right structure to form two identical structures.
- In the middle of Darb Pond, lift the stone.
- Very east of Darb Pond and north of the turn made by the main path, look for some kind of cave, blow up the cracked rocks and lift the stone.
- West of the Goron Hot Springs, there is a circle of stones below. From there, go get a stone below and put it in the empty spot.
Death Mountain
In Goron City, climb Daruk's sculpture to the top of its head, get on the stump, then fly and run to the circle within the time limit.
- In Goron City, under Daruk's left arm, lift the lone stone.
- West of Goron City, look at the sparkles in the goron sculpture's mouth (the one south of Daruk's).
- On the Abandoned North Mine's island, climb to the top of the highest rock (where the young Goron was) and lift the stone.
- At the top of the Isle of Rabac (in Lake Darunia), lift the stone.
- East of the Abandoned North Mine and of the railtracks, go on the less decayed skull, stand next to the pinwheel and shoot an arrow at the moving target.
Northwest of Death Caldera, on high grounds and southeast of the Igneo Talus, lift the stone atop of a peak.
- Northwest-west of Death Caldera, zoom as much as you can on your map to notice a small circle of stones at the bottom of a peak. Climb the peak to get the stone, throw it towards the circle, then go back down and place it in the empty spot.
- On the skeleton at Goro Cove (east of Goron City), look at the sparkles at the top.
- From the above location, fly to the ground to the southeast (where you can see some cracked rocks), climb, get on the stump with a leaf and fly towards the yellow circle in the middle of the lake.
- East of Lake Darman, go south while going up and look for some cracked rocks. Blow them up and lift the stone.
- Climb on the rock north of the shrine, lift the stone and place it behind you, the same way it is on the other rocks surrounding the shrine.
- Northwest of the Gut Check Rock, on high grounds, there is a heap of stones in the hollow of a rock arrangement. Blow it up, then lift the remaining stone.
Eldin's Flank and Mountains
- When you zoom as much as you can on the map: left of the "E" of Eldin's Flank, blow up the cracked rocks against the wall and lift the stone.
In the southwestern part of Eldin's Flank, are two groups of piled cubes. Place the shiny cube on the other structure so the two look the same.
- North of Eldin's Mountains, in the Great Skeleton's left eye, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- In the northern part of the East Deplian Badlands, there is a circle of stones in the grass. Go get the stone more to the east (next to the Lynel) and place it in the empty spot. (Woodland Tower region)
Islands all the way to the east of Akkala (Lanayru Tower region)
- On the small island south of Davdi Island, climb to the top, blow up the pile of rocks and lift the stone.
- On Davdi Island, jump into the circle of water lilies.
- In the eastern part of Ankel Island, on the east side along the planks, lift the stone.
- In the southeastern part of Ankel Island, lift the stone at the top of a peak.
- In the western part of Tingel Island, walk on the five vanishing yellow flowers.
Akkala Citadel Ruins and southeast Akkala
Near the wall of the Akkala Citadel Ruins, on the northern side, roughly halfway up, freeze the metal plate with Stasis, hit it twice, then lift the stone. If you don't succeed, start by pushing the rolling rocks a bit.
- Right to the southwest of the previous Korok, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- On the western side of the citadel, roughly halfway up, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- On the citadel's last floor, on the southern side, lift the stone between the cannons.
- Right to the southeast of the previous Korok, a floor below, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
Southeast of the citadel, on the plateau with five trees at its end, freeze the metal plate with Stasis, hit it twice, then lift the stone.
- East of the Akkala Span, atop of a hill is a circle of stones. Lift a stone next to a Guardian's remains below and place it in the circle.
- Under the Akkala Span, fly towards a broken pillar on the south side, then stand on the northern side, freeze the metal plate and hit it 3-4 times to send it away from the pillar. Then lift the stone.
- In the Torin Wetland west of Lake Akkala, roughly in the middle, climb on the ruins and lift the stone.
Lake Akkala and southeast Akkala (Ulria Grotto, Ukuku Plains)
In the southwestern part of the South Akkala Lake, under the West Sokkala Bridge, lift the stone.
- South of the Great Fairy Fountain, you'll see three trees side by side. Look at the apples on these trees and pick them or make them fall so the three trees look the same.
- Between the two little islands south of the lake, notice a circle of stones. Take a stone on the island on the right and throw it in the middle of the circle.
- A bit more to the north of there, next to the Dah Hesho Shrine, there are three statues with bowls. Place an apple into the empty bowl.
- A bit more to the northeast of there (at the Great Fairy Fountain), notice four groups of yellow flowers, with 1 to 4 flowers per group. Step on the flowers in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, then climb the tree where the group of 5 flowers is.
Northeast of the Great Fairy Fountain and east of the path, next to some ruins, get on the stump with a leaf, then dash at the column under the circle, climb it and glide to the circle within the time limit.
- From the above location, just a bit more to the north, touch a yellow flower, then touch the 9 following flowers while going northeast.
- From the above Korok (south of the Rist Peninsula), go southeast and find two "mirroring" groups of cubes. Grab the cube at the top of a ruin and place it in such a way that the two groups look the same.
- On the bridge leading to a round island (Tarrey Town), walk on the five flowers. From the third flower on, they are under the bridge.
- Northeast of the lake, not too far from the water, there is a circle of stones. Go get the stone to the east (in some bushes) and place it in the empty spot.
In the centre of the Rist Peninsula, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- East of Ukuku Plains, three trees are standing atop of a hill. Look at the apples on these trees and pick them or make them fall down so the trees look the same.
- In the southeastern part of Ukuku Plains, there is a pinwheel on high grounds. Get close to it and shoot some arrows at the three moving targets.
- East of the Ulria Grotto, atop of a hill, look at the moving sparkles.
- South of the Ulria Grotto, and south of a small lake, there is a group of around ten fir trees. Climb at the top of the highest one (the middle one) and look at the sparkles.
- From the above location, go to the northwest wall, freeze and hit the grey rock leaning against the others, then lift the stone.
Shadow Pass, Ulri Mountain, East Akkala Plains
- South of Shadow Pass, look for some moving sparkles and look at them.
- Southeast of Shadow Pass, look for a bunch of leaves, give it a sword shot, then lift the stone.
- In the northern part of Shadow Pass, climb to the top of the tall fir tree next to Death Mountain and look at the sparkles.
- At the top of Ulri Mountain three trees are standing side by side. Look at the apples on these trees and pick them or make them fall down so the three trees look the same.
North of the East Akkala Plains, in the middle of the plateau with some small trees, next to a Guardian's remains, get on the stump with a leaf, then run towards the circle within the time limit.
- At East Akkala Beach, east of the ruins, a bit below, get close to the pinwheel and shoot some arrows at the three moving targets.
Ordorac Quarry, North Akkala Valley
- At the Spring of Power, atop of the waterfalls on the western side, lift the stone.
- Southeast of Ordorac Quarry, below the path are two groups of cubes. Grab the shiny cube and place it on the other group so the two look the same.
From the above location, go southeast-east, climb the hill and look at the moving sparkles.
- West of Ordorac Quarry, just a bit higher than the flying Guardians, there are two groups of stacked cubes. Use Magnesis to grab the cube higher and to the left and place it in such a way that the two groups look the same.
- From the above location, go north to Eldin, climb the peak, then glide towards some ruins to the northwest where two groups of cubes are located. Grab the shiny cube and place it between the two cubes on your right.
- West of the East Akkala Stable, in some small woods, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- In the southern part of North Akkala Valley, there is an empty tree trunk lying on a rock. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
East Akkala Stable, Akkala Ancient Tech Lab
From the East Akkala Stable, go northwest towards a group of trees and notice five groups of yellow flowers, with 1 to 5 flowers per group. Step on the flowers in the order 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- From the East Akkala Stable, go east to the edge of the cliff and look for a circle of stones. Pick up the stone nearby to the north and place it in the empty spot.
- From the above location, go down the cliff towards the southeast and notice a group of cubes next to the water. The second group and the shiny cube are underwater more to the east. Use Magnesis to form two identical groups.
- At the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, climb to the top of the building, on the telescope and look at the sparkles under the umbrella.
- East of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, on the islands off shore, notice some groups of yellow flowers. Step on the flowers in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the small islands.
From the above location, keep going north towards the round island. Use Stasis on the metal plate, then hit it to move it and lift the stone.
- North-northwest of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, on the beach, blow up the cracked rocks against the cliff and lift the stone.
- West of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, in the middle of the huge bunch of Guardians remains, lift the stone.
- West of Tumlea Heights, in some small woods, give a sword blow into the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
- From the above location, go north near three rocks. Use Statis on one of them, then hit it 5-6 times with a two-hand weapon towards the hole located far to the northwest. Fly to it (it will probably roll on the slope), freeze it again and hit it again until putting it into the holde.
Akkala Wilds, Rok Woods
- In the north of the Akkala Wilds (north of the above Korok), there are five groups of yellow flowers, with 1 to 5 flowers per group. Step on the flowers in the order 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- In the Akkala Wilds, northeast of Skull Lake, get rid of the grey rock in the middle of the brown rocks, then lift the stone.
In the Akkala Wilds, north of Skull Lake, there is a circle of stones a bit below. Go get a stone next to the Bokoblin campsite to the north, then bring it back and place it in the empty spot.
- Very northwest of Skull Lake, nearly at the edge of the map, there are a few dead trees. Lift the stone atop the biggest one.
- Southwest of Skull Lake, on high grounds, climb on the stump with a leaf, then run and climb the wall to the circle within the time limit.
- North of Tempest Gulch and north of a small forest, climb the hill, then look for a metal plate. Use Stasis, hit it twice or three times and lift the stone.
- West of Rok Woods, freeze the metal plate, hit it, then lift the stone.
- In the centre of Rok Woods (between the "k" and the "W" when you zoom as much as you can on the map), climb atop the huge tree and lift the stone.
- West of Rok Woods, on the peak going over the path leading to Tempest Gulch, shoot at the balloon above.
Great Hyrule Forest
Trilby Plain, Pico Pond and Military Training Camp
All the way to the east of Trilby Plain, around the ruins north of the very high tree, notice two groups of cubes. Grab the cube in the ruins and place it at the top of the right group.
- In the eastern part of Pico Pond, jump into the circle of water lilies.
- East of the Woodland Stable, swim in the middle of the lake and notice a cube structure. Look for another structure underwater, grab the shiny cube, then place it on the other structure so the two groups look the same.
- South of the Military Training Camp is a high tree. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- Southeast-east of the Woodland Tower, lift the stone placed on a wooden structure right out of the mud lake.
Elma Knolls
North of Hyrule Castle Moat, east of the central pillar, lift the stone a bit below.
- In the eastern part of Elma Knolls, there are some trees without any leaves arranged in a circle (that you can see on the map). Lift the stone in the middle.
- In the middle of Elma Knolls, get on the stump and shoot some arrows at the three moving targets
- Very southwest of Elma Knolls, there is an empty tree trunk stuck between two rocks. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- Roughly halfway between Elma Knolls and Salari Hill, climb on the ruin then jump towards the pinwheel, and shoot some arrows at the five moving targets.
Salari Hill, Aldor Foothills and Rowan Plain
North of this hill, there is an empty tree trunk on some rocks. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- Northeast of this hill (northeast of the Monya Toma Shrine), next to a pond, look at the moving sparkles.
- On the path going by the Serenne Stable and which goes north, around the Aldor Foothills, there is an empty tree trunk lying on another trunk. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- In the southern part of the Aldor Foothills, next to a ruin and some trees, shoot an arrow at the acorn inside an empty tree.
- Between the Aldor Foothills and Salari Hill, roughly halfway, there is a square made of 15 stones in the middle of five trees. Go look for another stone in the vicinity and place it in the empty spot.
In the southern part of Rowan Plain, west of the path, there are three little fences in line. Riding your horse, jump over those three fences so the Korok appears.
Forgotten Temple
- In the northeastern part of this area, on the higher level and in the middle of three huge rocks, there are two groups of cubes. Grab the shiny cube and place it on the other structure (at the top) so the two groups look the same.
- All the way to the north of this area, on the higher level, look for a bunch of rocks, blow them up, then lift the stone.
- On the higher level, roughly in the middle and on the eastern side, blow up the pile of rocks, then lift the stone.
Above the great ark that allows you to get in, blow up the rocks to the west and lift the stone.
- Behind the head of the huge statue of the Goddess, lift the stone.
- Next to the great ark that allows you to get in, but at the very bottom, move the metal door with Magnesis or Stasis, then lift the stone.
- South of the entrance, there are four huge pillars. Climb the southwestern one and lift the stone.
- On the other side of the gorge, southwest of the above location (north of the Maritta Exchange Ruins), blow up the cracked rock and lift the stone.
- From the above location, keep going by the cliff to the west, climb on a ledge and lift the stone.
- Even more to the southwest of the above location, at the limit with the "Central Hyrule" area, blow up the bunch of rocks on the wall, and lift the stone.
Around the Thyphlo Ruins
Southwest of these ruins, on the map, you can see a group of 7 trees. Go there, then get close to the fallen trunk and shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- South of these ruins, get close to the pinwheel on high grounds, and shoot some arrows at the three moving targets.
- To the northeast, quite far from the ruins, go to a big group of trees that you can see on the map. Climb the tree on which is a pinwheel, then shoot at the five targets partially hidden.
- To the southeast (northeast of the Great Hyrule Forest), atop of a mountain, get close to the pinwheel and shoot an arrow at the moving target (wait for it to be close to you).
Deplian Badlands and Drenan Highlands
At the summit of the Drenan Highlands, lift the stone.
- All the way to the west of the Drenan Highlands, on a hill, get close to the pinwheel and shoot at the three moving targets.
- Halfway between the names "West Deplian Badlands" and "Deplian Badlands" on the map, lift the stone atop of a peak.
- By zooming the map as much as you can, from the name "Deplian Badlands", go east until you spot a small peak on your left. From there, go south and climb to find two structures of cubes. Place the shiny cube on the other structure so the two look the same.
Icefall Foothills, Hebra North Summit
Next to the Hia Miu Shrine, are two groups of cubes. Grab the shiny cube and place it to form two identical groups.
- Atop of the peak northeast of Sherfin's Secret Hot Spring, climb on the stump with a leaf and shield surf your way down towards the yellow circle.
- Atop of the North Summit, stand next to the pinwheel, then shoot an arrow at the restless target.
- North of Hebra North Summit, almost in straight line going north from the black spot on the summit, there are three ice cubes. Melt the left one and look at the sparkles.
- At Hebra Great Skeleton, go all the way to the back of the cave, touch the yellow flower on the skeleton, then the four following ones along the skeleton.
Hebra North Crest, Goflam's Secret Hot Spring
In the western part of Hebra North Crest, there is a double circle of stones. Pick the stone in the centre and place it in the empty spot.
- Southwest of Goflam's Secret Hot Spring (west of Hebra North Summit), in a group of fir trees southwest of a lake, there is a collapsed hollow tree trunk. Shoot an arrow at the acorn inside the trunk.
- Southeast of Goflam's Secret Hot Spring, go towards the group of trees, climb the one without leaves and look at the sparkles.
- At Goflam's Secret Hot Spring, next to a lake you can see on the map, swim under some rocks to the west, hit the bunch of leaves, then lift the stone.
Hebra West Summit
In its northern part, lift the stone atop the northernmost peak.
- More or less in the middle, around the Sturnida Basin, climb the mountain, then look at the moving sparkles.
- To the south, climb the peak roughly around the huge "circle-stone snail" to the right, and lift the stone.
- All the way to the south, climb the peak roughly around the southernmost (of the three) "Lake Kilsie" words, and lift the stone.
- All the way to the southwest of this area, west of the southernmost peak, look for a stump with a leaf, climb on it, then fly towards the target (located in the Tabantha area) under the time limit.
- From the above Korok, go northwest to go back in Hebra and look for a pinwheel. From there, shoot some arrows at the three restless targets.
Biron Snowshelf, Hebra Tundra
All the way to the north (west) of Biron Snowshelf, southeast of the oval lake, at the bottom of the mountain is a triangle made of stones (that you can see on the map). Go get a stone to the southwest and place it in the empty spot.
- In the valley between Biron Snowshelf and Hebra West Summit, on the western side next to a lot of fir trees, look for a yellow flower at the bottom of these trees, then touch the four following ones while climbing to the west.
- In Biron Snowshelf, on its higher part where the Mozo Shenno Shrine is, go southwest from the shrine and lift the stone placed against a rock.
- From the above location, go northwest and go down in the corner made by the mountain. Lift the stone next to the shiny ores.
- In the northern part of Biron Snowshelf, go towards the group of five trees northeast of the skull, climb the tree without any leaves and look at the sparkles.
In the western part of Hebra Tundra, on a hill, stand next to the pinwheel and shoot at the four targets located atop of the fir trees.
- In the southern part of Hebra Tundra, climb to the top of the peak, then shoot arrows at the three targets which appear/disappear.
Coldsnap Hollow, Hebra Peak, Hebra East Summit
- All the way to the north of Selmie's Spot, at the edge of the map, a few stones form a diamond shape. Go get a stone nearby to the west and place it in the empty spot.
- At Selmie's Spot located northwest of Hebra East Summit, climb on the roof and look at the sparkles.
- Southwest of Coldsnap Hollow, at the bottom of the valley, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
South of Coldsnap Hollow, around the platforms north of the trees, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
- In front of the Goma Asaagh Shrine, go under some rocks to the southwest and lift the stone.
- At the top of Hebra Peak, lift the stone.
- Southeast of Hebra Peak, between two trees, there is a circle of stones. Pick two stones in the vicinity and place them in the empty spots.
- Very west of the Rok Uwog Shrine, climb the tree you can see on the map and look at the sparkles.
Pikida Stonegrove
North-northeast of the Rok Uwog Shrine, on the mountain, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
- Southeast of the Rok Uwog Shrine, look for a pinwheel on an ice slab, then shoot an arrow at the flying acorn to the west.
- From the above location, climb on the platforms to reach the second to the south from there, then melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
- Southwest of the Rok Uwog Shrine, under the platforms, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles (see the picture).
Tabantha Snowfield
All the way to the north of the snowfield, climb on the peak, stand next to the pinwheel, then shoot some arrows at the three targets.
- In the northeastern part of the Northern Snowfield, there is a hill with three small stone circles. Take the one in the middle of one of them and place it in the empty spot.
- Southeast of the Sha Gehma Shrine, in the middle of a group of trees, shoot an arrow at the acorn in the collapsed hollow trunk.
- Southwest of the North Lomei Labyrinth, on high grounds, grab the shiny cube and place it on the other structure so the two look the same.
- South of the North Lomei Labyrinth is a tree with a very green foliage. Shoot an arrow at the balloon in this foliage.
- At the top of Mount Drena (the one in Hebra), on the southeast side, roll down one of the three rocks into the hole to the southeast.
- In the northern part of the Southern Snowfield, away from the trees, notice some moving sparkles and look at them.
Northeast of the Southern Snowfield, where the cliff is making a recess, go down a little, blow up the cracked rocks and lift the stone.
- In the western part of the Southern Snowfield, next to a group of trees, shoot at the acorn inside the hollow collapsed trunk.
- South of the Rin Oyaa Shrine, in a small wood on the other side of the path, give a sword blow in the bunch of leaves and lift the stone.
- Northwest of the entrance of the Forgotten Temple, on high grounds, there are three rolling rocks. Push one of them into the big hole below.
- All the way to the south of the Snowfield Stable, at the edge of the cliff over the Forgotten Temple, get close to the pinwheel and shoot at the three targets.
- From the above location, go down along the cliff until roughly halfway down, then lift the stone on the ledge. (at the limit with the Great Hyrule Forest area)
Lake Kilsie, Sturnida Basin and Sturnida Secret Hot Spring
- Northwest of the Sturnida Secret Hot Spring, on high grounds, west of the trees, look for a yellow flower on a rock, then touch the nine following flowers while going south.
- Southwest of the Sturnida Secret Hot Spring, there is a huge stone circle-snail. Go get a stone to the south and place it in the empty spot.
- On the west side of the lake, north of the piers and of the Maka Rah Shrine, on high grounds, blow up the cracked rocks, then lift the stone.
Hebra South Summit, Talonto Peak, Corvash Peak
On the peak southwest of Hebra South Summit, lift the stone.
- At the top of the peak south of Corvash Peak, stand next to the pinwheel, then shoot some arrows at the three moving targets.
- In the group of fir trees southwest of Talonto Peak, shoot at the acorn inside the collapsed hollow tree trunk.
- In the hole southeast of Talonto Peak, on the western side, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
- East of Talonto Peak (and north of the aforementionned hole), shoot an arrow at the target hidden under a cliff.
Hebra Headspring and Hebra Plunge
At the start of the headspring, shoot an arrow at the balloon above the water.
- Way northeast of Hebra Headspring, in a part below and in a recess, melt the ice block and look at the sparkles.
- West of Hebra Headspring, a little below, lift the stone near the edge.
- West of the start of Hebra Headspring, on high grounds, step on the stump with a leaf and take off towards the yellow circle to the southeast. (If you can't manage to do so, climb the tree and jump into the circle.)
- From the above Korok, go northeast, look on your right, and shoot at the balloon above the water.
- East of Hebra Headspring, south of the skull and a little below, lift the stone.
On the eastern side of the natural bridge above the Hebra river, touch the yellow flower a bit below (southern side), then touch the four following flowers while going west.
- Right behind the Lanno Kooh Shrine, lift the stone.
- Climb the tree on the islet of the eastern part of Hebra Plunge and look at the sparkles. (From the Korogu mentionned above, you can climb on the branch, let yourself get taken to the waterfall, then fly to the tree.)
- In the southeastern part of Tama Pond, jump into the circle of water lilies.
Hebra Tower, Tabantha Hills, Kopeeki Drifts
Northwest of the Dunba Taag Shrine and southeast of a huge enemy campsite, atop of a hill, climb on the lone fir tree and look at the sparkles.
- North of the Dunba Taag Shrine, climb the windmill and look at the sparkles.
- On the path leading to Hebra Tower, before you reach Tabantha Hills, shoot at the acorn inside a hollow tree trunk on the side of the path (northern side).
- In the small wood southeast of Tabantha Hills, look for a yellow flower, then touch the four following ones towards the south.
- In the Tabantha Village Ruins, use Magnesis to grab the boulder and place it into the well.
South of Hebra Tower, go down "one level" on the cliff, go west a little bit, blow up the cracked rocks and lift the stone.
- Southeast of Hebra Tower, go down the cliff until roughly halfway down and lift the stone.
- On the peak northwest of Hebra Tower, lift the stone.
- East of the Gee Ha'rah Shrine, roll down one of the three huge snowballs into the hole between two fir trees. Use Stasis and hit it once.
Rito Village and Rito Stable
From the village's shrine, fly to the pillar to the southeast (the one with some grass) and lift the stone.
- From the village's shrine, fly to the high rock to the west, stand on the stump with a leaf, then quickly, fly to the rock to the southeast within the time limit.
- [After you've calmed Vah Medoh] Warp on it, then fly to the high pillar to the west. Place an apple into the statue's empty bowl.
- [After you've calmed Vah Medoh ???] Warp on it, then carefully go down or fly underneath it, in the middle of the rock it uses as a perch. Shoot an arrow at the balloon above.
- North of the path going north of the Rito Stable, climb on the very big tree and lift the stone.
Hebra Plunge and Dronoc's Pass
In the western part of Hebra Plunge, near the waterfall, jump into the circle of water lilies.
- North of Lake Totori (in Rito Village) and east of the huge enemy campsite, lift the lone stone.
- South of Dronoc's Pass, where the paths meet, use Magnesis on the boulder with a chain and place it into the well.
- At the Flight Range, look at the sparkles at the top of the house.
Lake Kilsie
- In its southern part, on the east side, roughly on the same line as the islet is but higher, look for a yellow flower, then touch the following four flowers.
Warbler's Nest, Dragon Bone Mire and northwest Tabantha
South of Warbler's Nest's statues, look for a yellow flower, then touch the four following flowers to get a Seed.
- At Warbler's Nest, next to the three trees, there is a circle of stone. Go get a stone to the northeast and place it in the empty spot.
- Very northwest of Warbler's Nest, southwest of a skull you can see on the map, place a Spicy Pepper in one of the five statues' empty bowl.
- In the northwestern part of Dragon Bone Mire, look for a bunch of leaves under a huge bone, give a sword blow, then lift the stone.
- North of this mire, next to a Lizalfos campsite, all the way to the west of the map, climb on the middle rock and lift the stone.
- From the above location, go northeast and you'll spot three circles of stone in the snow, each of them lacking a stone. Find three stones in the vicinity and place them in the empty spots.
Cuho Mountain, Strock Lake and Kolami Bridge (Tabantha Frontier)
Southwest of Cuho Mountain, there are three circles of stones inside one another. Get the stone not far off to the south and place it in the middle of the little circle.
- All the way to the north of Strock Lake, jump into the circle of water lilies.
- Fly to the islet in the middle of Strock Lake, blow up the pile of rocks and lift the stone.
- On the western bank of Strock Lake, facing the islet, are two groups of cubes. Grab the shiny cube and place it on the other group so the two look the same.
- Northwest of Kolami Bridge, below next to a lot of Lizalfos, blow up the pile of rocks and lift the remaining stone.
- East of Strock Lake and east of the path is a huge group of trees. From there, carefully go northeast, look for a stone on a ledge on the cliff, and lift it.
Tabantha Tower, Rayne Highlands and Piper Ridge (Tabantha Frontier)
- Northwest of Tabantha Tower, there is some pink substance with an eye that you have to destroy. Then, under a rock, lift the lone stone.
- West of Tabantha Tower, in a huge group of trees, grab the boulder linked to a chain and place it in the hollow tree trunk.
- South of the above location, there are four statues in a line. Place two apples in the empty bowls.
- Northeast of Rayne Highlands and west of the Great Fairy Fountain (next to some ruins), climb on the stump with a leaf, then fly and climb to the circle under the time limit.
- North of the above location, there is a rock (on the grass) that you have to roll down below into a hole to the southwest.
North of Rayne Highlands, west of the path where it makes a turn, climb the rocks and lift a stone in the middle of some plants.
- In the northwestern part of Rayne Highlands, climb at the top of the column and lift the stone.
- In the southwestern part of Rayne Highlands, southeast of the Kah Okeo Shrine, on high grounds, notice five groups of yellow flowers, with 1 to 5 flowers per group. Step on the flowers following the order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- On Piper Ridge, get close to the pinwheel, then shoot some arrows at the five moving targets.
- From the above location, go north, jump below, then in a cave, place an apple in the statue's empty bowl.
Ancient Columns and Tabantha Great Bridge (Tabantha Frontier)
- At the Ancient Columns, west of the Tena Ko'sah Shrine, jump into the circle of water lilies.
- From the above location, keep going west, climb one of the columns (not a very high one), get on the stump with a leaf and take off to the circle under the time limit.