The Wind Waker tips and tricks

Treasure Charts

Index of Tips and Tricks  •  Complete Walkthrough

Treasure Charts can be found in all kind of places (dungeons, Eyes Reefs, etc.). When you find one, look at it closely and ask yourself if you didn't visit the place pictured on it. If that's the case, you just have to go back there, look for the exact spot marked with the X (the music can also help) and use the Grappling Hook to recover the sunken treasure. Besides, when Fishmen draws a part of your sea chart, check if this part matches one of your already found Treasure Charts.

1 Forbidden Woods, 3rd floor E5 200 rupees
2 On Windfall Island, enter the luxury mansion by climbing the stairs right of the windmill. Talk to Maggie's father and give him 20 Skull Necklaces B3 Piece of Heart
3 In the Forest Haven, from the exit leading to the Forbidden Woods, play the Wind's Requiem and have the wind blow south-east. Fly towards the islet in that direction, and open the treasure chest located there E3 200 rupees
4 To be bought in Beedle's secret shop for 900 rupees (B3) D6 Piece of Heart
5 Wind Temple, basement, east G4 Piece of Heart
6 Tower of the Gods, 1st floor D4 200 rupees
7 On Windfall Island, win a second time the Sinking Ships minigame inside the windmill B1 200 rupees
8 On Horseshoe Island (A7), play golf and throw nuts in the three holes (for the second and third ones, use the Deku Leaf with the wind blowing in the right direction). Drop down the hole and defeat the enemies A3 200 rupees
9 North of Crescent Moon Island (E1), inside a submarine A7 200 rupees
10 On Crescent Moon Island (E1) C3 200 rupees
11 Dragon Roost Cavern, 1st floor E1 Piece of Heart
12 Earth Temple, 2nd basement B6 200 rupees
13 On the Two-Eye Reef (D7), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right G1 Secret Cave Chart
14 Inside a submarine north of Headstone Island (C7). Clear out the rats, then open the treasure chest E4 200 rupees
15 Forbidden Woods, first basement E7 Piece of Heart
16 Inside the lookout towers near the Seven-Star Isles (F1). Defeat the wizards to make 3 treasure chests appear, one of them containing the chart C6 200 rupees
17 On Spectacle Island (C2), win the boat minigame a second time - more details E6 200 rupees
18 On Windfall Island, take part in the night auctions D2 Green rupee
19 On the Four-Eye Reef (A2), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right G2 Island Hearts Chart
20 Earth Temple, first basement F5 Piece of Heart
21 On the Cyclops Reef (C4), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right C4 (same place) Light Ring Chart
22 Inside a submarine in C1. Defeat the enemies, then swing across the room thanks to the ropes and open the treasure chest C2 200 rupees
23 On Windfall Island, win a second time at the Sinking Ships mini-game inside the windmill, or beat the high-score, meaning make a maximum of 19 A6 Piece of Heart
24 On Windfall Island, take a picture of Lenzo in charming company C1 200 rupees
25 On Cliff Plateau Isles in G6. Climb on the lowest island, jump on the following ones and drop through the hole. Jump on the platforms to reach the end of the room, and defeat the Boko Babas, including the one in the middle which turns into a plant. Jump inside to land on the tree, jump towards the next one, and shoot a Fire Arrow at the wooden planks. Fly over there, enter the light to exit on another island, and open the treasure chest. A1 200 rupees
26 On the Six-Eye Reef (D4), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right D3 Octo Chart
27 Once you have the Grappling Hook, go to the Private Oasis (E5). Go behind the cabana and shoot the Grappling Hook at the trees to climb and find a treasure chest G3 200 rupees
28 On the Horseshoe Island (A7), play golf (see Treasure Chart 8 above), then make the wind blow the right way and use the Deku Leaf to fly towards the treasure chest A5 200 rupees
29 On Windfall Island, at Lenzo's house, on the 2nd floor B2 200 rupees
30 Tower of the Gods, 2nd floor E2 Piece of Heart
31 Once you have the Deluxe Picto Box, take a picture of the full moon (if you arrive on Windfall Island by day, play the Song of Passing to make the full moon appear). Then, by day, show the picture to the sad boy sitting on the stairs at Windfall Island F6 Piece of Heart
32 On the Three-Eye Reef (A4), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right F7 Sea Hearts Chart
33 Once you have the Deluxe Picto Box, on Windfall Island, take a picture of the woman at the town's entrance and show it to her G7 Piece of Heart
34 Treasure hunters voats in A3, A7, D3, E2 or F4 F4 200 rupees
35 Wind Temple, basement, south B5 200 rupees
36 Ice Ring Isle, on the island's east edges G5 200 rupees
37 On Rock Spire Isle (B3), climb from the north side of the island and throw bombs on the big rocks to reach the other side. Jump in the hole, take a wooden pole in the vase and light the two unlit torches. Clear out the bats and open the treasure chest F3 200 rupees
38 On Windfall Island, take part in the night auctions A4 Piece of Heart
39 Dragon Roost Cavern, 2nd floor F2 200 rupees
40 Inside the lookout towers near the Southern Fairy Island (D6). From the King of Red Lions, destroy the cannons on the towers until a treasure chest appears (it's not necessary to defeat the enemies on the towers) C7 200 rupees
41 On the Five-Eye Reef (B6), destroy all the cannons on the walls and the boats to make a treasure chest appear. Climb on the outer wall near the entrance, then fly towards the treasure chest after adjusting the wind right A2 Great Fairies Chart
The following charts only exist in The Wind Waker HD for WiiU
42 On Windfall Island, give three Skull Necklaces to the pig breeder near the Bomb Shop so he asks you to play a mini-game, the goal being to bring him his three pigs back under two minutes D1 100 rupees
43 Inside the lookout towers near the Horseshoe Isle, climb on the southern one and press the switch to make a treasure chest appear on the northern one, containing the chart B7 100 rupees
44 Inside the lookout tower near the Star Belt Archipelago, open the treasure chest D5 100 rupees
45 On Windfall Island, give 40 pendants to the school teacher F1 200 rupees
46 Once you have the Grappling Hook, go to Pawprint Isle, shoot the Grappling Hook at the tree, then enter the cave and defeat all the enemies D7 Piece of Heart