Tri Force Heroes tips and tricks
Even more tips and tricks
Index of Tips and Tricks • Walkthrough
You can propose your tips and tricks at: zp@pal aisze (without spaces of course).
Please only tips that you found on your own, without any guide or website!
Fun in the castle lobby
In the castle lobby, where the Triforce is, if you dash into a wall (with the R or L button), a kind of balloon will appear and if you juggle with it, you can hear the music of the Romani Ranch, Clock Town or the one from Spirit Tracks. Furthermore, the longer you juggle, the more rupees you will win.
Change the prize at Daily Riches
If the prize of the Daily Riches mini-game doesn't please you, get close to the manager and talk to him. He will accept to propose another prize in exchange for 50 rupees.
Selling materials
If you directly talk to the street merchant, he will propose to buy the materials that you don't need anymore, but usually 5 times less than the sale price.
Faster on an Armos statue
In the Fortress as you are riding a statue, you can make it move faster while keeping the R or L button pressed, as if you wanted to run.
Link making fittings
At Madame Couture's, when you're checking the catalogue and looking at your outfits, press L or R to make Link turn from left to right (or right to left). And press X to see him run, and Y to animate him and see him speak.
Tips for the timed challenges
In such levels, if you lose all your hearts after picking up additional time, you will start the level again with this additional time instead of starting again with the initial time. Useful when you begin to miss time.
When you fall down, the energy gauge will be fully reloaded. Convenient when playing alone.
Secret message
In front of the castle, get in the water, swim right and look at the wall in the south-east corner: "There's something written here... Only those with a great many friends shall be able to decipher this code."
If you are wearing the Tri Suit (before finishing the game), the first time you can see that the princess is hiding there and says...
If you read the inscription with the same outfit again you can read: "There's something written here... <the symbols> and between brackets the famous sentence: IT'S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY.
EDIT: The inscription is also decipherable with Linebeck's Uniform.
Tip for the Coliseum
If the selected arena is the ruins and if you own the Serpent's Toga:
1. (Optional) get an item of your choice
2. Stand at the centre of the platform of your colour (so that your opponents cannot lift you)
3. Inflict some damage to your opponents then stay still on your platform. That's it! If everything was done correctly, you should be first!
Note 1: If you got hit you will have to compensate on the first one.
Note 2: Don't be afraid of the boomerang when you don't move, it has no effect on stone! ^^
Tip for the challenges with the Wallmaster
In the challenges where you have to deal with the Wallmaster, when the Triforce symbol shines, you just have to beat the Wallmaster then place yourself or a doppel on the Triforce. From now on the Wallmaster doesn't come back! You can quietly pick up all the remaining rupees, and even the hero standing on the Triforce can move. But you have to kill the Wallmaster before stepping on the symbol, or it wouldn't work.
Does it also work when playing with friends/strangers?
Everything (or almost) about the hero points
- The official information: Heroes who finish a level in Online Play that they didn't vote for (or voted "I can't decide!") will now be awarded hero points.
- The street merchant gives you information about hero points and tells you how many you got. For every 5 points gathered, he will give you a material you need to order a new outfit. (If you've got them all already, you won't received anything.)
- In the village, the number of cast-off cicada shells on the tree in the bottom-right corner also tells you how many hero points you gathered!
- To get the upgraded Bear Minimum Digs, you need 30 hero points. This basic outfit will then shine, and grant you two additional Heart Containers. It seems that it will also protect you from ANY contact damage from enemies, sword hits and beams from other players in the Coliseum, and from all damage caused by "physical" items.
- Regarding the black doll (see below), you can read this message: "Glory to the heroes who are pure in heart!" when reaching 30 hero points.
Just for info
In the lobby, when he wakes up the doppels, the master says a sentence which may sound incomprehensible: "pu gnimoc remotsuc eno...". You have to read it backwards: "one customer coming up".
- In the western part of the village, if you talk to the cat on the bench while wearing the Cheetah Costume, it will say that the street merchant is rather temperamental and that when he is in a good mood, he will buy materials at a very good price. You just have to talk to him to know right away if the salesman is in a good or bad mood.
- In the village of Hytopia, if you get close to the last tree in the bottom-right corner, you learn that this tree is covered in cast-off cicada shells...
- If you put on the "Light Armour" and go have a look at the street merchant's tent, you can read the seventh volume of "Diary from the Drablands".
- If you haven't freed the princess from her cursed tights yet, you can sometimes see her at one of the castle balconies, or hiding in the bottom-left or bottom-right corners of the village.
- You can also meet her (without seeing her) behind Madame Couture's house on the left. You can see the icon "talk" and she says the usual sentences.
- In the Infinity Dunes, stage 3, on the wall to the far left, we can see a Link stuck like in A Link Between Worlds ;-)
In the village, a lady and a guard are talking about a black ghost that should be pictured with the Home button as soon as you see it. Actually this ghost is Princess Styla wearing the black cursed tights, that you can sometimes spot.
- In the village, in the Miiverse gallery, if you check the big camera, it goes: "Click-click! Click-click! Ugh... you look really spaced out in those photos..." ^^
- In Snowball Ravine, stage 4, in the top left corner we can see a snowman who looks a lot like Zelda's silhouette in A Link Between Worlds.
- In a multi-player game, prepare a Spin Attack, wait for someone to lift and throw you, and you will do 2 Spin Attacks in a row!
- In each stage with a door and a lock, running (with L or R) towards the lock while holding the key will open the door
- In the Miiverse Gallery on the wall where pictures taken in the Drablands can be looked at, you can see a picture of Navi and another one of Dumoria's leaf.
- As the doppels cannot take damage, if you lift one and you use your sword on a flying enemy, you won't lose hearts.
- If you're wearing the Cheer Outfit and that you talk to the street merchant, he will say "You like cheerin' poeple on? That's awesome. We could all use some nice cheer. Sweet! People must be busting their backsides for a chance to be cheered on by those outfits." before going on with the usual dialogues.
- If you're wearing Linebeck's Uniform and that you talk to the boy in front of the castle, he will say "Could that be Linbeck's Uniform? I saw it in the catalogue... it was love at first sight. Man, is it cool. I thought for sure I'd be the first one to get it... You're always getting in my way! Sniffle." One can also notice that Link is using the telescope as a sword.
- If you press R or L at the right time, just before falling into the water, Link will run on the spot for a short while before falling down (easily testable in the moats of Hytopia).
- If you're wearing the Sword Master Suit and that you tell the old man in the Coliseum that you are a newbie, he will say that "You are surely joking, there is no way you can be a newbie! No owner of the Sword Master Suit could!"
- When Madame is crafting Tingle Tights, she sings "kooloolin pah!"
- When Madame is crafting the Big Bomb Outfit, you can hear the sound of a bomb exploding.
- If you check the black doll in the top-right corner of the village, Link will wipe it clean. A few days later, you can read that the old worn out doll looks nicer now. A few days later you can read that it used to be an old worn out doll and that today not a single speck of dust dirties it."
This doesn't work if you have already completed the game. - Madame says that something happens when three heroes are wearing the Tri Suit. Well, the outfit has then the same effects as the Rupee Regalia added to the partial immunity of the Lucky Loungewear.
Thanks to Zereph, Foxzeman, Linkcraft, Luyan, Matt, Ryan, Steven.F, Dorian, Aue, Majoras, Caidavid, Ben974, Tymatho69, Patricia, ChupAniki, Ptibou, Stormy, Lepostier and Bronev!