Updated April 15 2023
LoZ games
Tears of the Kingdom
Breath of the Wild
Tri Force Heroes
A Link Between Worlds
Skyward Sword
Spirit Tracks
Phantom Hourglass
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventures
The Minish Cap
The Wind Waker
ALTTP / Four Swords
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Ages
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Link's Awakening
A Link to the Past
Adventure of Link
Legend of Zelda
Arts (drawings)
Animated gifs
MP3 music
Ringtones/themes for
Music quizzes
22 visitors
on the site
LOZ games
> Tears of the Kingdom
> Breath of the Wild
> Tri Force Heroes
> A Link Between Worlds
> Skyward Sword
> Twilight Princess
> The Minish Cap
> The Wind Waker
> Majora's Mask
> Ocarina of Time
> Link's Awakening
> Arts (drawings)
> Animated gifs
> Fakes
> Compositions
Wallpapers - Twilight Princess
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Twilight Princess
format 1280x800
format 1366x768
format 1920x1080
format 1536x2048 (tablet)
format 1280x800
format 1366x768
format 1920x1080
format 1536x2048 (tablet)
format 1280x800
format 1366x768
format 1920x1080
format 1536x2048 (tablet)
format 800x600
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 800x600
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 800x600
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
format 800x600
format 800x600
format 1024x768
created by Aidman
format 1024x768
created by Aidman
format 1024x768
created by Aidman
format 1024x768
created by Neoroy
format 1024x768
created by O.Zelda
format 1024x768
created by Aidman
format 1024x768
format 1280x1024
created by X-love-zelda
format 1024x768
created by X-love-zelda
format 1024x768
created by X-love-zelda
format 1024x768
created by Dadu
format 1024x768
created by Princesse Zelda
format 1024x768
format 1280x800
created by Princesse Zelda
format 1024x768
format 1280x800
created by Alexya
format 1024x768
created by Alexya
format 1024x768
created by Mii-Link
format 1280x800
created by HaseFX
format 1280x800
format 1980x1080
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