The Wind Waker tips and tricks
Differences between the Gamecube and Wii U versions
Index of Tips and Tricks • Complete Walkthrough
Below are some differences between the GameCube and Wii U versions.
Hero's Charm
- Instead of giving you the Hero's Charm, Mrs Mary hands you the Treasure Chart 45 which leads to 200 rupees on the Seven-Star Isles..
- The mask is located deep into the cave under the big head rock on Outset Island (replacing the Piece of Heart).
- This Piece of Heart is actually in a chest under the sea near Two-Eye Reef (through Treasure Chart 46).
Treasure Charts
There are 46 Treasure Charts now. Five Treasure Charts were added as there are five Triforce Charts less, replaced by Triforce Shards directly. More details on the Treasure Charts' page.
Deluxe Picto Box
- No need to capture a Forest Firefly to get this Picto box. You can directly have it after completing the three photographer's quests.
- There are 12 spots for your pictures instead of just 3.
Swift Sail, sailing and Fishmen
- The Swift Sail can be bought at the auction on Windfall Island (no need to change the wind direction anymore).
- You don't need to have the Giant's Wallet. To get it more easily, just leave the auction and get in again to make the item change.
- Regarding the Wind rosette, it's not possible to choose directly a direction anymore, you now have to turn the wheel.
- After feeding Fishmen, when you pick up an island on the map, instead of having a rupee, a piece of heart or a Triforce Chart after fishing out the chest, Fishmen can be seen and if you press it or the "x" button, you can read again what he said about the place.
- You have a sight when you use bombs on the King of Red Lions.
- When clearing out an enemy while you're sailing, the reward directly comes to you.
Triforce Charts
There are only three charts to find, the others are already on the IN-credible chart and are directly in the chest. They are located:
- On the golden boat in A5
- On Islet of Steel in B5
- On Bird's Peak Rock in F5
Treasures are:
- Near Greatfish Isle
- Near Stone Watcher Island
- Near Cliff Plateau Isles
- A golden Carlov icon indicates if the picture is okay to be turned into a figurine.
- Carlov now accepts to make up to 12 figurines a day, so no need to play the Song of Passing between each figurine.
- Tingle's bottles used to communicate through Miiverse can also contain pictures! As a result, some players turned into "extreme photographers" for Carlov's figurines and share their pics with everybody. Useful if you forgot to take a picture of a boss!
- Knuckle's figurine is required to have the Link's one according to what it is written on his figurine base: "There was a time when his figurine was not required to complete the collection, which upset him a lot."
Tingle Tuner and Tingle's statues
On Windfall Island when freeing Tingle from jail, he doesn't give you the Tingle Tuner (but he gives you the Tingle's Chart).
To get the Tingle's Statues, you just have to place a bomb (normal one) where the chest is located. (However, nothing tells you where there are.)
Sales and Wallets
- Forest Fireflies that can be put into a bottle can be sold to Lenzo for 50 rupees.
- At the beginning of the game, the wallet is not limited to 200 rupees but to 500 rupees.
Wind Waker Songs
- Except for the Wind God's Aria and the Earth God's Lyric, the usual animation played after you conducted a song (along with the text "You conducted the x song") only happens once in the game. The advantage is that less time is lost when you string together the Ballad of Gales, the Wind's Requiem, the Song of Passing...
- The songs cannot be seen on the Quest screen anymore, but they directly appear on the Gamepad when taking out the Wind Waker: Useful when you have doubts!
- The Grappling Hook is faster.
- Fishing out a treasure with the Grappling Hook is faster too.
- The water forest (which can heal Forest Trees) has a lifetime of 30 minutes now, instead of 20 minutes in the original version.
- All the soundtracks of the game, and some sounds, have been rearranged.
- When an enemy hits you, the Magic Armor (given by Zunari) don't use magic anymore but rupees instead.
- The screen can be cleared of all symbols, except for hearts and the magic meter.
- When using the Deku Leaf, a small symbol (a leaf) appears on the platforms to point out that Link is above it (which didn't exist in the GameCube version).
- When getting rid of an enemy which leaves an "item sphere", the items take more time to disappear instead of disappearing almost immediately.
- ReDeads disappear almost immediately once they're dead.
Thank you to Solene, fire10, Elias, link10, Guillaumeg13, Yoshiland24, JFDUP, Xallesii, Vaati le sombre, Matthieu, Loïc, DragonRock, Scrabelou, Sylvain, Punkfou, the Kid, Ptit Link, Shadow-007, Biscotte, Mélanie and Zanic!