The Wind Waker tips and tricks

Nintendo Figurine Gallery

Index of Tips and Tricks  •  Complete Walkthrough

One of The Wind Waker's sidequests is to collect the 134 statuettes representing the game's characters. This sidequest takes a lot of time, and if you want to complete it, some actions can't be missed! (see below).

Getting to the Nintendo Figurine Gallery

The Nintendo Figurine Gallery is accessible as soon as you are on the Forest Haven, but make sure to have at least one Hyoi Pear. Once you're inside the island, use the Baba Buds to climb to the branch the Deku Leaf used to be on, then instead of going to the platform leading to the Forbidden Woods, look right, fly towards the Baba Bud above, and jump to the exit. Once outside, play the Wind's Requiem and have the wind blow north-west, then fly towards the lower island. Look south and search for a switch on the main island's wall, then use the Hyoi Pear to aim a seagull at it and activate it. (Note that you can also shoot an arrow.) Then, the hatch will open and a ladder will go down, making it easier to access the place later.

General Information

Carlov, the gallery's tenant, is rather hard to please regarding the pictures. The characters must be shooted front, full, and occupy a large part of the picture (see the Remarks column for special cases).
When you give a picture to Carlov and he accepts it, he takes one day to make the figurine. This delay can be shortened if you play the Song of Passing.

Pictures not to be missed!

All the figurines can be unlocked during your first quest, but to do so, there are moments and actions not to be missed.
First of all, you must get the Deluxe Picto Box before going to the Forsaken Fortress for the second time! It's possible to get it as soon as you clear the Forbidden Woods.
The characters below must be shot at a certain moment, or at least until a certain moment. More details in the Rooms pages.

  • Zephos & Cyclos (Dragon Roost room)
  • Kogoli (Dragon Roost room)
  • Wizzrobe (miniboss) (Bosses and Minibosses room)
  • Phantom Ganon (Bosses and Minibosses room)
  • Helmaroc King (Bosses and Minibosses room)
  • Puppet Ganon (Bosses and Minibosses room)
  • Big Octo (Bosses and Minibosses room)
  • Tetra (Various characters room)
  • Knuckle (Various characters room)

For the enemies' pictures, if you're not sure they're good, save the game and reload it, go show them to Carlov, and then resume your quest.

Note that during the second quest, some bosses can be shot several times.

Other information

Lenzo sells Legendary Pictures for 50 rupees each depending on the moon's cycle. For this, you must go see him, show him the Deluxe Picto Box, after having seen the character involved during the course of the game:

GanondorfFull moon
Great FairiesFull moon up to 7/8th (down)
JabunHalf moon (down)
Queen of FairiesCrescent moon (down)
FadoCrescent moon (up)
LarutoHalf moon (up)
King of HyruleFull moon up to 7/8th (up)

During the second quest, the Figurine Gallery is open straight from the beginning, and you keep all the figurines you gathered during your first quest. The Deluxe Picto Box is in your inventory at the start of the game, so some characters are easier to shoot.

The gallery is made up of 7 rooms and a main lobby. Going clockwise, starting from Carlov's right side, these are:

Carlov's counter
Various characters room Forest Haven room
Windfall Island room Dragon Roost room
Outset Island room Enemies room
Bosses and Mini-bosses room

Thanks to everyone who's helped me for these pages!