The Wind Waker tips and tricks

Nintendo Figurine Gallery

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Enemies Room

ArmosArmos KnightMorthPoeReDead
GyorgOctorok SeahatKargaroc
 Rat Bokobaba 
 Keese and Fire KeeseBokoblinRed Bubble and Blue Bubble 
 Floormaster Magtail 
figurineFloormasterForsaken Fortress (2nd time), Earth Temple, Wind Temple, etc.It doesn't have to be completely visible
figurineMagtailDragon Roost Cavern, etc. 
figurineKeese and Fire KeeseDragon Roost Cavern, Earth Temple, Wind Temple, etc.A single Keese is enough on the picture
figurineBokoblinDragon Roost Cavern, etc.A single Bokoblin is enough on the picture
figurineRed Bubble and Blue BubbleTower of the Gods, Earth Temple, etc.A single Bubble is enough on the picture
figurineRatDragon Roost Cavern, Forsaken Fortress, Tower of the Gods, etc.A single Rat is enough on the picture. Side-look is ok
figurineBokobabaForbidden Woods, etc. 
figurineMiniblinForsaken Fortress (2nd time), etc.A single Miniblin is enough on the picture
figurineChuChuDragon Roost Cavern, Lost Woods, Tower of the Gods, etc.A single ChuChu is enough on the picture
figurinePeahatForbidden Woods, etc. 
figurineGyorgAt sea 
figurineOctorokForest Haven, etc.A single Octorok is enough on the picture
figurineSeahatAt sea 
figurineKargarocDragon Roost Cavern, in a nest at Bird's Peak Rock, etc. 
figurineArmosTower of the Gods, etc. 
figurineArmos KnightTower of the Gods, etc. 
figurineMorthLost Woods, etc. 
figurinePoeEarth Temple, etc.A single Poe is enough on the picture
figurineReDeadEarth Temple, etc. 

Bosses and Mini-bosses Room

Puppet GanonMolgeraKalle DemosGohmaBig Octo
StalfosJalhallaGanondorfHelmaroc KingMothula
Mighty DarknutMoblin Phantom GanonWizzrobe
Darknut Wizzrobe (miniboss)
Darknut Gohdan
figurineDarknutWind Temple, Hyrule Castle, etc. 
figurineGohdanTower of the Gods' bossYou can take its picture on the wall after the fight
figurineDarknutDarknut with a shield - Wind Temple, etc. 
figurineWizzrobe (mini-boss)Wind TempleThere is only one of them! Take its picture before defeating it
figurineMighty DarknutDarknut with a cloakYou can find one in Ganon's Tower or in Hyrule Castle when Excalibur has its full powers
Note from Jeremy: This Darknut is not defeated forever: inside Ganon's Tower, from the room with the 4 chandeliers, drop in the hole, enter the door behind you, then the left one, then straight ahead, left, and ahead. There you can find 3 Darknuts, including one with a cloak
figurineMoblinForsaken Fortress, Earth Temple, etc. 
figurinePhantom GanonForsaken Fortress (2nd time) OR Ganon's TowerYou must take its picture during one of these two encounters
figurineWizzrobeTower of the Gods, Wind Temple, etc.A single Wizzrobe is enough on the picture
figurineStalfosEarth Temple, Wind Temple, etc. 
figurineJalhallaEarth Temple's boss - Ganon's TowerTake its picture during the second fight, inside Ganon's Tower
figurineGanondorfEvil LordBuy it from Lenzo on Windfall Island
figurineHelmaroc KingForsaken Fortress (2nd visit)Take its picture during the fight before defeating it!
figurineMothulaForbidden Woods, etc.A single Mothula is enough on the picture
figurinePuppet GanonGanon's TowerTake its picture during the fight before defeating it!
figurineMolgeraWind Temple's boss - Ganon's TowerTake its picture during the second fight, inside Ganon's Tower
figurineKalle DemosForbidden Woods' boss - Ganon's TowerTake its picture during the second fight, inside Ganon's Tower
figurineGohmaDragon Roost Cavern's boss - Ganon's TowerTake its picture during the second fight, inside Ganon's Tower
figurineBig OctoAt seaMake sure to take a picture of one of them before you've defeated them all

Outset Island Room

Sturgeon Wild Pigs
Orca Rose
Jabun Abe
Mesa Joel
Crab Zill
figurineCrab-On Outset Island or Headstone Island, for example
figurineMesaThe man cutting the grass 
figurineJabunWater SpiritBuy it from Lenzo on Windfall Island
figurineOrcaSwordmaster and Sturgeon's brother 
figurineSturgeonThe island's wiseman, Orca's brother and Sue-Belle's grandfather 
figurineSue-BelleThe girl carrying a pot on her head 
figurineSeagull-The bird must take as much space as possible on the picture 
figurineAryllLink's sisterYou'll get her figurine along with Grandma's one
figurineGrandmaAryll's and Link's grandmother 
figurineWild Pigs-You just have to take a picture of a pig, big or small
figurineAbeFather, looking for pigs 
figurineJoelBoy by the beach 
figurineZillBoy with a running nose 

All the pictures are under Nintendo's copyright ©